Police Department subject files on strikes and juvenile delinquency for 1946 to 1962
The material consists of bound volumes, correspondence, reports, statistical charts, and printed material. The material documents two areas involving police operations: labor strikes and juvenile delinquency. The bound volumes are a chronological record of every strike in New York City from 1948 to 1954 that required police presence at the strike location. The volumes list the name of the company the strike was focused on; the number of strikers, and the duration of the strike, among other data. There are additional files on the strikes as well. The subject files on juvenile delinquency are primarily reports, printed material, and extensive statistical charts on youth crimes. The material is closely related to Accession 2009-026, New York Police Department Chief Inspector subject files for 1941-1951. Arranged chronologically and alphabetically.
1 cubic feet
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