Government employees
Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings
1940s Tax Department photographs
Collection REC-0040
This collection contains photographs of real estate parcels in the five boroughs of New York City, dated between 1939-1951, with the bulk of the images dating from 1939-1941. These photographs were part of a new property card system for assessing real property tax in the city, carried out by the Works Project Administration (WPA) and the New York City Tax Department. Although photographs were taken of most extant properties at the time, some tax-exempt buildings, parcels with vacant lots or...
1939-1951; bulk 1939-1941
Art Commission scrapbooks
Collection REC-0085
This collection contains scrapbooks created and maintained by the Art Commission of the City of New York (1898-2008) from its inception in 1898 through 1967. The scrapbooks, organized chronologically, focus on public art and architecture and historic preservation in New York City.
circa 1885-1967; bulk 1904-1965
Bronx Borough President Robert Abrams records
Collection REC-0025
Robert Abrams served as the ninth Borough President of the Bronx from 1970 to 1978. This collection primarily contains the material generated by the daily workings of the Office of the Bronx Borough President during his tenure. Also included are records produced by Abrams as a member of the New York State Assembly (1966-1969) and, later, as the Attorney General of New York State (1979-1993).
1932-1993; bulk 1970-1978
Brooklyn Bridge drawings and plans
Collection REC-0010
The Brooklyn Bridge was built over a thirteen year span beginning in 1869. This extensive collection contains the architectural plans and drawings created during the design, planning and construction stages for the suspension bridge by Civil Engineer, John Augustus Roebling, and includes drawings by his son Washington A. Roebling. The bridge officially opened in 1883.
1869-1981; bulk 1869-1950
Commissioner Idilio Gracia Peña records
Collection REC-0018
Idilio Gracia Peña served as the Director of the New York City Municipal Archives from 1978-1989 and Commissioner of the New York City Department of Records and Information Services from 1990-1995. This collection contains the records of his tenure.
1961-1995; bulk 1977-1995
Department of Buildings architectural drawings and plans for Lower Manhattan
Collection REC-0074
The Department of Buildings requires the filing of applications and supporting material for permits to construct or alter buildings in New York City. This collection contains the plans and drawings filed with the Department of Buildings between 1866-1978, for the buildings on all 958 blocks of Lower Manhattan, from the Battery to 34th Street, as well as a small quantity of material for blocks outside that area.
circa 1866-1978
Early Mayors records
Collection REC-0002
This collection consists of an incomplete collection of materials produced by the Office of the Mayor of New York City between 1826 and 1897.
Edward F. Cavanagh scrapbook on the Department of Marine and Aviation
Collection REC-0068
Edward F. Cavanagh served as Commissioner of the Department of Marine and Aviation from 1950 through 1953. This collection contains one scrapbook of news clippings documenting the work of the department during his tenure.
Health Commissioners records
Collection REC-0050
New York City government has played a role in promoting the health of its residents since 1866. This collection represents that function under the purview of the Department of Health, from 1928 to 1991. The records document the Department's wide-ranging operations through correspondence, reports, statistics, promotional material, memos and other records.
Manhattan and Brooklyn liquor licenses
Collection REC-0058
On March 23, 1896, during the 119th session of the New York State Legislature, the “Liquor Tax Law,” was passed, establishing a new taxation policy for the trafficking of intoxicating liquors. Liquor licenses set to expire after the law went into effect on April 30, 1896, were eligible for a refund upon surrendering the license. This collection contains those licenses that were yielded for return in Manhattan and Brooklyn.
1895-1897; bulk 1895-1896
Mayor Ardolph L. Kline records
Collection REC-0001
Ardolph L. Kline served as Acting Mayor for the City of New York after the unexpected death of Mayor William J. Gaynor in September 1913. This collection consists of materials generated by the daily business of his brief administration.
Mayor David N. Dinkins records
Collection REC-0037
The 106th Mayor of New York City, David N. Dinkins, was sworn-in to office on January 1, 1990, becoming the first Black person in the city’s history to hold the position. This collection primarily contains the material generated by the daily workings of the Office of the Mayor during the years of his administration, 1990-1993.
1948-1998; bulk 1990-1993
Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia records
Collection REC-0028
Fiorello H. La Guardia was the 99th Mayor of New York City for three terms from 1934 to 1945. This collection primarily contains the material generated by the daily workings of the Office of the Mayor during his administration. Also included are records produced by La Guardia in public service roles outside of those preformed while serving as Mayor.
1864-1954; bulk 1934-1945
Mayor John F. Hylan records
Collection REC-0013
John F. Hylan was the 96th Mayor of New York City from 1918 to 1925. This collection contains the material generated by the daily workings of the Office of the Mayor during his two-term mayoral administration.
1912-1925; bulk 1918-1925
Mayor John P. Mitchel records
Collection REC-0006
John P. Mitchel was the 95th Mayor of New York, serving during the World War I era from 1914-1917. This collection consists of the records produced by the Office of the Mayor during his administration.
1869-1917; bulk 1914-1917
Mayor John P. O’Brien records
Collection REC-0033
John P. O'Brien was the 98th Mayor of New York from January 1-December 31, 1933. This collection consists of materials generated by the daily business of his brief administration.
Mayor Joseph V. McKee records
Collection REC-0026
Joseph V. McKee became Acting Mayor of New York City after the resignation of Mayor James J. Walker on September 1, 1932. McKee served in this capacity through the end of 1932. This collection consists of materials generated by the daily business of his brief administration.
Mayor Robert Van Wyck records
Collection REC-0005
Robert Anderson Van Wyck (1849-1918) was the first Mayor to take office after the consolidation of the City of New York in 1898. This collection consists of the subject files and correspondence of his administration.
Mayor Seth Low records
Collection REC-0009
Seth Low (1850-1916) served as the Mayor of New York from 1902-1903. This collection consists of a selection of materials produced by his mayoral administration.
Mayor William J. Gaynor records
Collection REC-0031
William Jay Gaynor served as the 94th Mayor of the City of New York from 1910 to 1913. This collection contains the material generated by the daily workings of the Office of the Mayor during his mayoral administration.
1909-1913; bulk 1910-1913
Mayor William O’Dwyer records
Collection REC-0014
William O’Dwyer was the 100th Mayor of New York City from 1946-1950. This collection predominantly contains the material generated by the daily workings of the Office of the Mayor during his administration.
1917-1964; bulk 1946-1950
New York County jury census
Collection REC-0055
This collection consists of bound volumes containing tally sheets of jury census returns for the city and county of New York. The tallies were taken to determine the eligibility of jurors and list persons and property by ward number for the years 1816, 1819, and 1821. Of particular demographic interest in these three censuses is the inclusion of women with identification by name, residence, age, and occupation or social status, during a time period when women were ineligible to serve as jurors.
1816, 1819, 1821
WNYC-TV moving images
Collection REC-0047
This collection consists of moving image materials produced by WNYC-TV from about 1943-1998.
circa 1943-1998
Subject Term Details
- Occupation
- Government employees
Filter by:
- Name
- New York (N.Y.). Office of the Mayor (14)
- Tammany Hall (Political organization) (4)
- Tammany Society, or Columbian Order (New York, N.Y.) (4)
- New York (N.Y.). Police Department (3)
- Beame, Abraham D. (Abraham David), 1906-2001 (2)
- City Fusion Party (New York, N.Y.) (2)
- Dinkins, David N. (2)
- Impellitteri, Vincent R. (Vincent Richard), 1900-1987 (2)
- Interborough Rapid Transit Company (2)
- Koch, Ed, 1924-2013 (2)
- Lindsay, John V. (John Vliet) (2)
- Moses, Robert, 1888-1981 (2)
- New York (N.Y.). City Council (2)
- New York (State). Legislature (2)
- O'Dwyer, William, 1890-1964 (2)
- United States. Work Projects Administration (New York, N.Y.) (2)
- Abrams, Robert, 1938- (1)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (1)
- Anti-Saloon League of New York (1)
- Art Commission of the City of New York (1)
- Bennett, John J. (John James), 1894-1967 (1)
- Bowne, Walter, 1770-1846 (1)
- Bronx (New York, N.Y.). Office of the President (1)
- Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.). Board of Excise (1)
- Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company (1)
- Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Company (1)
- Cavanagh, Edward F., Jr. (Edward Francis), 1906-1986 (1)
- Clark, Aaron, 1783 or 1784-1861 (1)
- Coman, Thomas, 1836-1909 (1)
- Consumers Brewing Co. of New York City, Ltd. (1)
- Cooper, Edward, 1824-1905 (1)
- Cuomo, Mario M., 1932-2015 (1)
- Democratic National Convention (1)
- Democratic Party (New York, N.Y.) (1)
- Dewey, Thomas E. (Thomas Edmund), 1902-1971 (1)
- Edson, Franklin, 1832-1904 (1)
- Ehret, George, 1835-1927 (1)
- Ely, Smith, 1825-1911 (1)
- F. & M. Schaefer Brewing Co. (1)
- Gaynor, William Jay, -1913 (1)
- Gilles, Timothy (1)
- Gilroy, Thomas F., 1840-1911 (1)
- Grace, William Russell, 1832-1904 (1)
- Gracia Peña, Idilio (1)
- Grant, Hugh J. (Hugh John), 1858-1910 (1)
- Gunther, C. Godfrey (Charles Godfrey), 1822-1885 (1)
- Hall, A. Oakey (Abraham Oakey), 1826-1898 (1)
- Harper, James, 1795-1869 (1)
- Havemeyer, William Frederick, 1804-1874 (1)
- Hewitt, Abram S. (Abram Stevens), 1822-1903 (1)
- Hoffman, John T. (John Thompson), 1828-1888 (1)
- Hone, Philip, 1780-1851 (1)
- Hylan, John F. (John Francis), 1868-1936 (1)
- Kingsland, A. C. (Ambrose C.) (1)
- Kline, Ardolph Loges, 1858-1930 (1)
- La Guardia, Fiorello H. (Fiorello Henry), 1882-1947 (1)
- Lawrence, Cornelius V. W. (Cornelius Van Wyck), 1791-1861 (1)
- Lehman, Herbert H. (Herbert Henry), 1878-1963 (1)
- Low, Seth, 1850-1916 (1)
- Mandela, Nelson, 1918-2013 (1)
- Manhattan (New York, N.Y.). Bureau of Buildings (1)
- Manhattan (New York, N.Y.). Department of Buildings (1)
- Manhattan (New York, N.Y.). Office of the President (1)
- McKee, Joseph V., -1956 (1)
- Mitchel, John Purroy, 1879-1918 (1)
- Morris, Newbold, 1902-1966 (1)
- Municipal Reference and Research Center (New York, N.Y.) (1)
- National Endowment for the Humanities (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Board of Aldermen (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Board of Estimate (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Board of Excise (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Board of Health (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Board of Trustees of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Civilian Complaint Review Board (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Civilian Defense Volunteer Office (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Commission to Investigate Allegations of Police Corruption and the Anti-Corruption Procedures of the Police Department (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Bridges (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Buildings (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Finance (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Finance. Bureau of Real Property Assessment (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Health (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Highways (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Housing and Buildings (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Marine and Aviation (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Plant and Structures (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Public Works (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Records and Information Services (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Department of Transportation (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Fire Department (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Fire Department. Bureau of Inspection of Buildings (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Health Services Administration (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Mayor's Committee for the Commemoration of the Golden Anniversary of the City of New York (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Municipal Archives (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Municipal Archives and Records Center (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Municipal Broadcasting System (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Tax Department (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Tenement House Department (1)
- New York (N.Y.). Transportation Administration (1)
- New York (State). Alcoholic Beverage Control Division (1)
- New York (State). Governor (1)